Lab - 1: MAC Learning in Ethernet Bridges


The lab is on observations of:

  • Ethernet protocol packet format

  • how Ethernet network interfaces of hosts send and receive packets

  • how an Ethernet bridge forwards packets and learns MAC addresses

  • how an Ethernet bridge handles various MAC addresses


Lab Environment

Every lab manual in the class is composed of these sections:

  • Objectives: observations and investigations as learning goals

  • Load Lab Network: reserve a lab topology

  • Topology Orientation: the network topology, hosts, and network devices and the means of interactions within the lab notebook

  • Observation Plan and Environment: an observation plan for the learning objectives of the lab such as packet send and receive nodes, and possible actions on the lab notebooks

    • Detailed instructions on what investigations to conduct,

    • New tool introductions

    • Other relevant skills that help in protocol observations

  • Learning Activities: specific lab activity tasks and homework

Load Lab Network

Use File \longrightarrow New \longrightarrow Notebook to open a new notebook.

The labs are conducted using the University of Houston Education python libraries. Load these libraries by executing the following code in the first cell of your lab notebook:

%load_ext uhed

You can now proceed with loading of the lab modules for this class:


Select your lab topology from the dropdown menu and then load by clicking the Build Network button.

In order to conduct this lab, please select the lab for Ethernet MAC Learning in the labpicker dropdown menu and then click on the Build Network button.

Topology Orientation

The hosts, h0, h1, and h2 are connected to an ethernet bridge at its ports 0, 1, and 2, respectively. The topology diagram shows the layer 1 connectivity of the hosts and the bridge. Host interfaces and the bridge are running the Ethernet protocol to forward packets in this network. Use the network function NET to display the topology of the lab by executing the command below in a cell:


Lab Network Topology Displayed on the Lab Notebook

Note the labels of hosts, h0, h1, and h2, and the bridge name, bridge on the topology.

Observation Plan and Environment

Prepare your lab environment for specific observations on Ethernet MAC learning bridge behavior.

  1. Open a terminal for each host, ssh into the host using the CLI command gssh <username> <hostname> in each terminal. Identify the labels of each node in your network by displaying the topology using the command NET.showTopo().

  2. Identify the host network interfaces using the NET.showInterfaces() command in your lab notebook.

  3. Then, run tcpdump to listen at each host network interface.

  4. On the lab notebook, execute NET["bridge"].getL2Table() to retrieve the current state of the L2 table.

  5. Open an additional terminal for two of the hosts, ssh into the hosts to run the script that sends one packet at a time.


The environment includes two terminal screens sending packets, and two others listening on their interfaces to infer the bridge forwarding behavior. The lab notebook will be used to observe how bridge L2 table is populated with source MAC addresses of incoming packets.

Network Interfaces

Each host network interface sends and receives Ethernet packets.

The MAC address of an interface can be displayed at the host command line using the ip link command. Issue this command after ssh into a host (e.g., gssh student01 host1 using your student login ID in the lab system):

# ip link

The output will list all interfaces of the host along with the interface MAC addresses:

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1
  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
15749: eth1@if15748: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc netem state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 36:40:ef:e6:26:ae brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

The command line interface to the hosts provides information as you type the command name and execute by pressing enter at the terminal:


For example, the host’s name can be displayed using the hostname command. Typically, when interfacing with the nodes in your network topology through the command line, taking a note of their name will be helpful especially when working on larger topologies with many hosts:


The ip link command displays a wealth of information about the host interfaces:


The interfaces are listed for the host:


At the output, the eth1 interface MAC address can be located:


The interface name, configuration, and address information can be displayed for all nodes in your network using NET` as shown below:


The lab notebook then will display a table:


Ethernet Bridge L2 Table

Ethernet bridges look up the destination MAC address in the L2 table in order to make a forwarding decision. The L2 table of the bridge is displayed using the NET function:



The function NET provides the handle to the overall topology. The node label is inserted into the dictionary key field, NET["bridge"] to conduct status calls on that node of the network. In this case, we are calling the method getL2Table() to display the status of the L2 table of the Ethernet bridge in our topology.

Please note that all methods end with () to run in the lab notebook.


The bridge has an empty L2 table at the beginning of the experiment since no host has sent a packet in this network yet.

The L2 table has the columns: port number, VLAN tag, MAC address, and age time. A new row is added each time a new MAC address is learned from the source address field of an incoming packet. The port numbers that are present in the L2 table refer to the ports of the bridge at which a MAC address has been learned - some port numbers are not listed on the table because no MAC address is learned at those ports.


Bridge L2 Table is populated with the MAC address in the source MAC address field of the incoming packet at the port.

Similarly, as the other hosts start to send packets on their interfaces (and using their interface MAC address in the source field of the packets), more entries will show in the display for the layer 2 table of the bridge:


When all hosts have sent packets, the bridge will have all interface MAC addresses in its layer 2 table:


The VLAN tag is a configuration parameter for a port and unless configured otherwise, the default value is 0. Aging time of a MAC address in the L2 table is another configuration parameter for Ethernet bridges. The age time of a MAC address entry is the duration of the time the entry will be in the table.


Aging Time of Bridge L2 Table Entries in Lab Topologies

All bridges in the labs of the course have the same configuration value for the entry aging time, and it is equal to 5 minutes. The L2 table will show an entry value that increases up until 300 sec and then that entry will be purged from the bridge L2 table.

Lab Task

Please execute NET["bridge"].getL2Table() in your lab notebook to see the state of the L2 table of the bridge in your topology.

Terminal Access

Use File \longrightarrow New \longrightarrow Terminal \longrightarrow to open a new terminal on the lab server. This CLI will be used to access the devices in the lab network topology by ssh into these devices:

$ gssh <username> <device-name>

For example, a <username> can be dgurkan and the <device-name> can be a host device named host1 in your lab network. In order to ssh into this device, type:

$ gssh dgurkan host1

on the terminal commmand line and press enter.

Sending Arbitrary Ethernet Packets using ethsend

A script called ethsend is available at the hosts to send Ethernet packets on their network interfaces. The options of the script allows the user to set custom fields in the packet Ethernet protocol header.

For example, at the command line of a host, the command:

# ethsend --src-mac 22:22:22:33:33:33 eth1

will send an Ethernet packet at the eth1 interface of the host with a source MAC address of 22:22:22:33:33:33.


Linux Commands

Please note that in Linux command line, any command name may be appended a configuration item called argument. Some arguments are required for the command to successfully run. For example, the ethsend command for this lab requires that you specify the interface at which to send a packet on. The other arguments may be optional where the user may specify the name of the argument to direct the command to configure when running. For example, when using ethsend on a given interface, you have the option to specify what the source and destination address of your packet may be, whether the packet should be VLAN-tagged, and what payload to include into the ethernet packet payload field. These optional arguments are not required, as the name implies. When optional arguments are not specified by the user, the command uses default values that are programmed into its code.

Below is the help menu displayed in order to run the ethsend script:

# ethsend --help
usage: ethsend [-h] [--dst-mac DSTMAC] [--src-mac SRCMAC]
               [--eth-type ETHTYPE] [--vlan VLAN] [--eth-payload ETHPAYLOAD]

positional arguments:
  intf                  Host interface to send on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dst-mac DSTMAC      Sending an Ethernet packet to a destination MAC
  --src-mac SRCMAC      Source MAC address
  --eth-type ETHTYPE    Ethernet type
  --vlan VLAN           Packet VLAN ID
  --eth-payload ETHPAYLOAD

All options of running ./ethsend are listed in the table below:


When set, the provided MAC address is used as source MAC of packet


When set, the provided MAC address is used as destination MAC of packet


When provided, sets the Ethertype field of the packet


When set, add the VLAN tag to the packet to be sent using 802.1q


When set, add the specified payload to the packet


The interface at which to send the packet, e.g., eth1. This argument is required at the end of every time the command is run.

Default Values

When --src-mac is not set, the interface MAC address of the host is used as source MAC address of packet.

When --dst-mac is not set, one of 256 random destination addresses is used as the destination MAC address of packet.

Lab Task

Please ssh into one of the hosts in your topology. At the command line execute the following two commands and observe the output displayed for the layer 2 table of your topology bridge by running NET["bridge"].getL2Table() in your lab notebook:

ethsend --src-mac 44:44:66:66:44:44 --dst-mac AA:AA:BB:BB:AA:AA eth1

Using tcpdump to Capture Packets

The packet that is sent on an interface of a host can be observed using the tcpdump tool at the host command line. The output of tcpdump will show the packets that are sent and received on the interface specified in its arguments. More information about the command line tool can be found on tcpdump man page

The tcpdump command arguments that are used in the labs are:

  • specify the interface to monitor using -i eth1 argument,

  • show ethernet frames using -e argument,

  • omit name resolution using -n argument,

  • display payload using -A argument,

  • filter out the frames destined to the reserved MAC address for STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 01:80:c2:00:00:00, to reduce the displayed traffic on terminal screen using not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00,

  • filter out the packets that carry any IPv6 protocol payloads by excluding the specific Ethertype value for IPv6: not ether proto 0x86dd:

    # tcpdump -i eth1 -Ane not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 and not ether proto 0x86dd

    When executed, the screen will show:

    # tcpdump -i eth1 -Ane not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 and not ether proto 0x86dd
    tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
    listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes

The output of the command shows that ethernet packets are being listened to on the eth1 interface.


In order to stop tcpdump from displaying packets captured, press the control and c keys at the same time on your keyboard. When the program stops running, it will display a summary at the output and your command line shell will appear:

/ # tcpdump -i eth1 -Ane not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 and not ether proto 0x86dd
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
16:41:52.101651 86:7d:67:90:a1:6b (oui Unknown) > aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:8a (oui Unknown), ethertype Unknown (0x0820), length 19:
        0x0000:  6865 6c6c 6f                             hello
1 packet captured
1 packet received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
/ #

If a packet count has been specified in the command argument list by using -c option (for example, -c 5 to capture 5 packets), the tcpdump process will exit automatically when the total specified number of packets are captured and displayed.

Lab Task

Please open two terminals. At each terminal, ssh into one of the hosts in your topology.

At one of the terminals, run the complete command for tcpdump as given above to listen and display ethernet frames. Verify that the tcpdump started to listen to the interface.

At the other terminal, run the ethsend script: Pick eth1 interface, assign the MAC address 44:44:66:66:44:44 to the source MAC address, and assign the MAC address AA:AA:BB:BB:AA:AA to the destination MAC address, and send the packet.

Examine the output on the screen where tcpdump is running to see the packet sent by the host at its own interface.

Example: Let’s examine one tcpdump output and identify the header fields of the Ethernet packet displayed at its output:

 1tcpdump -i eth1 -Ane not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:00 and not ether proto 0x86dd
 405:19:11.136782 1e:59:44:cd:4c:71 > aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:fc, ethertype Unknown (0x0820), length 42:
 5        0x0000:  3631 3354 6535 6c55 7857 7771 5178 4662  613Te5lUxWwqQxFb
 6        0x0010:  6d33 6d76 4763 3770 424b 733d            m3mvGc7pBKs=
 91 packet captured
101 packet received by filter
110 packets dropped by kernel
12/ #

The first part of the displayed output shows the time of the packet capture, starting text in the 4th line above: 05:19:11.136782.

On that same line, next comes the source and destination MAC addresses separated by > showing the from MAC 1e:59:44:cd:4c:71, and to MAC aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:fc. The ethertype field is followed by the length and the packet contents, namely, the payload.


source MAC


destination MAC









The tcpdump process is stopped by pressing Ctrl-C on the keyboard.

The bridge will learn the source address of the packet. The L2 table of the bridge will have an entry with this MAC address for the incoming port.

Lab Task

Please send a packet from a host while running tcpdump at that same host on a different terminal. Fill in the packet fields into the table below based on the output of tcpdump:


source MAC


destination MAC



Learning Activities

The activities below are suggested tasks to gain insight into the Ethernet protocol behavior.

Step 1

Setup the lab environment as described.

Step 2

Check the state of the bridge L2 table to verify that it is empty at the beginning.

Step 3

In this phase of the experiment, pick a host to be the packet sender. Arrange your terminal windows for the other two hosts in such a way that you can observe tcpdump output on the screen side by side.

3a. Please send a packet from the sender host to various destination MAC addresses:

ethsend --dst-mac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01 eth1
ethsend --dst-mac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02 eth1
ethsend --dst-mac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:03 eth1
ethsend --dst-mac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:04 eth1

The script will use the interface MAC address of the host per default option when sending these packets. Retrieve the L2 table of the bridge on a consecutive cell on your lab notebook.

3b. Observations: What do you see at the output of tcpdump running at the other two hosts?

3c. Observations: Is there a match with any of the destination MAC addresses of these packets in the bridge L2 table?

Step 4

In this phase, prepare to have two sender hosts while on three other separate windows you can observe tcpdump output for all three hosts.

4a. Please send a packet from one of the senders. Mark what MAC address

has just been added to the L2 table of the bridge by retrieving the table on your lab notebook screen. Copy the newly-added MAC address when you run the labscript as the destination MAC address on the other sender host. Send the frame while watching the tcpdump screens.

4b. Observations:

  1. Which hosts did you see the packet being received at?

  2. Did the bridge flood or directly forward this packet?

Step 5: Lab1 Homework Submission

STOP! Did you practice this week’s material using the %practice facility in your notebook? Please solve the question(s) and make sure to receive a Correct! response in all questions before you attempt to submit your assignment.

There are two steps to complete your assignment:

1. In your lab notebook, run:


to complete and submit this portion.


2. In your notebook, run:


to solve the question(s) and submit this portion.

Lab Completion

Every lab should be completed by following the instructions below on how to delete the network topology resources and the running processes on the lab service.

Delete all reserved resources for the lab by executing the %delete command in a cell.


Type exit and then press Enter at the terminal and verify that the terminal application also closes.


When you are done with your work on a lab notebook, there should be no running sessions as shown in this view.
